By Nurse Ruth
To mark World AIDS Day 2011, the Taddlegraph decided to catch up with Absalom Furry, a kitten who is living with FIV.
Nurse Ruth: Hello, Absalom. Thank you for doing this interview.
Absalom: Hello. It’s my pleasure, and please call me Abs.
NR: Certainly, Abs. Tell me, what is it like living with FIV?
A: Mainly it is the same as living without FIV, except I have to take pills every day, and sometimes I get a bit sick.
NR: What happens when you get sick?
A: The same as when you get sick, but the FIV means it takes longer for me to get better. If I have the sniffles, it might last a whole week, rather than a few days. It’s OK though, because Maudie looks after me.
NR: How many pills do you take?
A: I take three, every day. I take them when I get home from school. When I started taking them, they made my tummy feel a bit funny, but I got used to them. My pills help to keep me healthy.
NR: What is it like for a human to have HIV?
A: I think it’s kind of the same. I have a human friend, called Michael, who has HIV. He takes his pills every day too, and they help to keep him healthy. He doesn’t go to school any more, so he takes his pills at bedtime.